The Em Dash #25

Friend, my bestie has been my bestie for over 10 years. For 7 of those years, she has had a big girl job in the ~real world~. Different companies over time, but the same industry and similar roles (I think).


That parenthetical is why I’m talking about this. I say “I think” because if you asked me what she actually does for work, I’d be like

There’s energy involved? Like, climate stuff—ooh! Carbon capture! And she has lots of meetings, reads reports, and sometimes there’s travel.


Honestly, I’m impressed I even know that much. 😅


Anyway, this got me thinking—if I struggle to describe Mariah’s job after 10 years of friendship and talking nearly every day… why would I expect you to know the details of what I do?


So let me tell you, bestie!


The main thing: I help you get clear and confident on your book idea so you can ditch the overwhelm and self-doubt to go from book *idea* to *actual* book.


The how: The Clear, Confident Writer Framework—it’s straightforward, but it’s not necessarily easy. 

The framework is designed to help you get SUPER clear (shocking, I know) on why you’re writing this book, who it’s for, and how you’re going to make it real. 

And the confidence? Well that comes from YOU—putting in the work, showing up for yourself, and executing the plan. (Don’t worry, I’ll help you make the plan.) 

When we coach together, we go through all three steps of the framework: Clarify, Plan, Execute.


Phase 1: Clarify 

Nail your book’s foundation—from the broader point you’re making (and how to talk about it), to the full picture of your ideal reader, including what they need and how your book will help them get it. You’ll also learn about your publishing options and decide how you want to bring your book idea to life.


Phase 2: Plan 

All about the content! What are you saying? How is it organized? How is it aiding your ideal reader’s transformation? And after answering all that, you’ll craft a detailed outline of everything your book needs (and nothing it doesn’t), and a super simple marketing plan. Cuz a book needs readers, right?


Phase 3: Execute 

All of the hard work from Phases 1+2 leaves you in the best position to get writing! (Yay!) You’ll create your book proposal and/or start drafting your manuscript—it all depends on your publishing goals. Either way, I’ll be right alongside you to keep you on track and motivated until you finish. Your future readers are waiting!


I get so excited bringing people through this process. And for the first time ever…

I’m giving away 30 FREE Intro Book Coaching sessions geared toward part of the first phase: Clarify.


Want one?

These sessions are for you if you’re BIPOC or an ally and you:

  • Have experienced something exciting/tough/traumatic/enlightening in life that helped you learn something important and valuable

  • Want to write an impactful, inspirational, or transformative nonfiction book about it so you can help others

  • Have no clue if your idea is any fucking good

  • Have never coached with me before (even Mini Coaching Sessions)

  • Would love to figure out if you should write your book

Sign up for a free nonfiction book coaching session here (if you’re reading this in April 2024).

Thanks for being here, Friend! 

See ya next week. :)

P.S. If you found this useful, or know anyone this free offer would be perfect for, forward it to a writing friend! They can get on the waitlist, too. ✨


The Em Dash #26


The Em Dash #24